Get Baldur's Gate 3 Release Date Early Access Background. Larian said it anticipates baldur's gate 3 will be in early access for at least one year, and says not to purchase the game just yet if you want a polished experience. Players will be able to experience an early version of the game's first act.
Content, release date, multiplayer and more. Larian studios were initially targeting august, but this slight delay shouldn't upset the community as the date isn't too far off from now. Welcome to the baldur's gate subreddit!
Baldur's gate 3 will have substantially more content than divinity early access ( larian studios ).
When announcing the early access date, larian's swen vincke said we intend to stay there for awhile, while its steam store lists an estimate of at least one year, meaning a possible 2021. However larian studios founder larian studios has cautioned that the date is just a possibility as the studio's. More characters will be announced throughout early access, larian said in a news release. Early access will include only the earliest part of the game, although there will still be plenty of options to play with for people who simply can't wait to experience baldur's.