Download Bipolar Apaan PNG. Bipolar disorder is a long term mental health condition. Gangguan bipolar adalah gangguan mental yang ditandai dengan perubahan emosi yang drastis.
Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic depression, is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). Bipolar disorder can present in many different ways. Although there is currently no cure, there are many treatments available that can reduce symptoms.
Researchers around the world currently are exploring a wide range of possible new treatments for bipolar disorder.
Temukan perbedaannya di video berikut ini. Episodes last at least a week. This article was checked by pedagogue. Penyakit bipolar adalah penyakit mental yang berkait rapat dengan perubahan emosi, mood dan tingkah laku seseorang seperti fasa kemurungan dan mania.